Sunday, September 30, 2007

Kate Walsh

I know, this isn't that bad. Actually, the individual items of clothing look pretty nice. But would you dress like this to your wedding reception:

I mean, the dress is fine, but it looks like a beach-y maxi-dress you might wear to lounge lazily in the sun. And the sandals peeking out? What annoys me most, though, is her hair. I understand that this is probably a carefully contrived "sexy-messy" look, but to me, it just looks messy. Maybe some small, tiny part of me is offended by the fact of her wearing bare shoulders and sandals on the last day of September- in my part of the world, just looking at her makes me shiver.

Womens Denim from Playboy Store


malawika said...

Where did she found that dress???
The flowers on it are sweet but that it all.

malawika said...

...and that black nails...

Unknown said...

The dress is so weirdly shaped, I wonder if maybe it has flexible wires running the length of it so that it billows out like that. And if it does, who was working for such unflattering billowing?